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Updated 2019-08-11


Short bite-sized snippets of information. This builds on information provided in the guides chapter.

Configure allzpark using the, which it will look for in these three locations, first one found wins.

  • Your home directory, e.g. ~/
  • Passed via command-line, e.g. allzpark --config-file path/to/
  • Or the environment, ALLZPARK_CONFIG_FILE=/full/path/to/

All available keys and their default values can be found here.

And an example can be found here:


All of the Allzpark graphical user interface can be styled interactively using CSS.

Custom styles are stored on the local machine, and can be shared and saved with copy/paste over e.g. chat or email.

  • See style.css for examples and documentation

Naming Convention

Requests are split between name<operator><version>

  • Where <operator> is e.g. - or == or >=
  • And <version> is an alphanumeric string, e.g. 1.0 or latest or 2.b2


rez env my_package-1  # package `my_package`, version `1` or above
rez env my-package-1  # package `my`, version `package-1` or above
rez env my_package_1  # package `my_package_1`, latest version
rez env my_package==1  # package `my_package_1`, version `1` exactly
  • See wiki for details.

Automatic Environment Variables

Every package part of a resolve is given a series of environment variables.


You can reference these from other packages, using the {env.NAME} notation, where env refers to the system environment, prior to packages having an effect.


name = "my_package"
version = "1.0"
requires = ["my_package-1.0"]

def commands():
    global env
    env["MY_VARIABLE"] = r"c:\path\{env.REZ_MY_PACKAGE_VERSION}\scripts"
  • See wiki for details.

Platform Specific Packages

A package can target a given platform using "variants".


name = "my_package"
version = "1.0"
build_command = False
variants = [
  • Requesting this package on windows would result in a version specific to Windows, and likewise for Linux.
  • Building of this package happens twice; once per "variant".

Building Per Platform

$ cd my_package
$ rez build
Building variant 0 (1/2)...
Invoking custom build system...
Building variant 0 (2/2)...
The following package conflicts occurred: (platform-linux <--!--> ~platform==windows)

Since you cannot build a Linux package from Windows, nor vice versa, you can specify which variant to build using the --variants argument.

$ rez build --variants 0

Where 0 indicates the 0th index in the = [] list.

  • See wiki for details
  • See rez build --help for details


You can reference any package and version as a variant, but generally you'll only need the platform specific ones, which come defined in per default.

implicit_packages = [
  • See rez config implicit_packages for available options along with their values.
rez config implicit_packages
- ~platform==windows
- ~arch==AMD64
- ~os==windows-10

Multiple Application Versions

Applications such as Python, Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop can get packaged in one of two ways.

  1. maya-2018.1.0 i.e. "Serial"
  2. maya2018-1.0 i.e. "Parallel"

Let's refer to these as "serial" and "parallel" respectively. Which should you use, and why?


In this example, there is only one package "family" for the Autodesk Maya software, whereby every revision of Maya is released as a new Rez package version; including "service packs" and "hotfixes" etc.

The advantage is that a package can then create a requirement on a range of maya versions.

name = "mgear"
version = "1.0.0"
requires = ["maya>=2015,<2020"]

The disadvantage however is that you cannot resolve an environment with both maya-2018 and maya-2019, as one would conflict with the other. Furthermore, if you did force this resolve, what should you expect to have happen in a situation like this?

$ rez env python-2 python-3
> $ python --version
Python ?.?.?


Conversely, you can perform a "parallel" version.


name = "maya2018"
version = "1.0"


name = "maya2019"
version = "1.0"

In which case you are able to resolve an environment like this.

$ rez env maya2018 maya2019-1.0
> $

To work around the aforementioned issue of knowing which python - or in this case maya - is actually called, you can use an alias().


name = "maya2019"
version = "1.0"

def commands():
    global alias
    alias("maya2019", "{root}/bin/maya.exe")

At which point you can call..

$ rez env maya2018 maya2019
> $ maya2018
# Launching Maya 2018..

However it isn't clear how you can make a requirement on a range of Maya versions with a parallel package. Consider the mgear package.


name = "mgear"
version = "1.0"
requires = ["maya2018-1.0"]  # What about Maya 2019? :(

Rez currently does not support optional or "any"-style packages and so this approach would not be well suited for these types of requirements.

Packages and Version Control

Work in progress

If you got this far, and know more or want more, feel free to submit an issue.

Release with GitLab

Once you've created a package, it's often a good idea to version control it.

mkdir my_package
cd my_package
name = "my_package"
echo "version = "1.0.0"
echo "build_command = False"
"@ | Add-Content
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial version"
git remote add-url
git push
mkdir my_package
cd my_package
echo "name = "my_package"" >>
echo "version = "1.0.0"" >>
echo "build_command = False" >>
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial version"
git remote add-url
git push

Next we'll configure GitLab to release a package alongside a new tag being made.


    - REZ_CONFIG_FILE=/packages/
    - rez build --release
    - tags

Work in progress

If you got this far, and know more or want more, feel free to submit an issue.

Multiple Packages in a Single Git Repository

Sometimes, dedicating a Git repository or GitLab project for every package is too heavy-handed. Sometimes you have many small packages that all need version control, but not necessarily independently, such as project packages.

In this example, we'll create a Git repository containing 3 projects.

  • Alita
  • Spiderman
  • Hulk

These projects are all released as individual Rez packages, but are managed in one Git repository.

mkdir my_projects
cd my_projects
mkdir alita
mkdir spiderman
mkdir hulk

Create a in each project subdirectory, with something along the lines of:

name = "alita"
version = "1.0.0"
build_command = False

Now we can commit and push these to, for example, your locally hosted GitLab instance.

git init
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial version"
git remote add-url
git push

When it's time to release, simply cd into a package of interest, and --release.

cd alita
rez build --install --release --clean

Render on Farm

Typically, a context is resolved locally and work performed therein, and then further computation is submitted to a remote destination, such as a "render farm" or distributed compute network. In this case, it can be necessary to replicate a context remotely, in exactly the same configuration as locally.

But, you cannot assume:

  1. Where packages are stored, because a remote computer may have different mount points
  2. What OS the remote destination is running, because it may be e.g. Windows or Linux

Raw Environment

Because of the above, simply saving the environment as-is and restoring it elsewhere is rarely enough.

import os
import json

# Not enough..
with open("environment.json", "w") as f:
    json.dump(f, dict(os.environ))


You may consider storing the resolved context to a file, for example..

rez env packageA packageB --output context.rxt  # Machine A
rez env --input context.rxt                     # Machine B


rez env packageA packageB
> Get-Content $env:REZ_RXT_FILE > context.rxt
> exit
rez env --input context.rxt

But an exported context embeds absolute paths to where packages can be found, which may not be true on the remote end - such as a local render farm or remote cloud.


In this case, you may consider exporting the exact request, like this.

rez env packageA packageB --exclude *.beta
# packageA-2.33.3 packageB-5.12.3

However this may not be precise enough. The - indicator locks the included parts of a version, such as 5.12.3, but doesn't exclude the possibility of a 5.12.3.beta package, which takes precendence over 5.12.3.

rez env packageA-2.33.3 packageB-5.12.3
# packageA-2.33.3 packageB-5.12.3.beta

Notice the .beta towards the end.

Here's another example.

rez env packageA             # packageA-1.0.0.beta
rez env packageA-1.0.0       # packageA-1.0.0.beta
rez env packageA-1.0.0.beta  # packageA-1.0.0.beta

For that reason, passing REZ_USED_RESOLVE to rez env may not be enough to accurately reproduce a given environment.

Inherit Filter

So then what you could do, is pass along whatever filer you used to the remote end.


rez env packageA packageB --exclude *.beta -- echo $env:REZ_USED_RESOLVE
# packageA-2.33.3 packageB-5.12.3


rez env packageA-2.33.3 packageB-5.12.3 --exclude *.beta

And presto, an identical environment.. but wait! What about --patched environments.

rez env packageA packageB --exclude *.beta
> rez env packageB-5.12.3.beta
# packageA-2.33.3 packageB-5.12.3.beta

Now the final "used resolve" is incompatible with this filter, as --exclude *.beta would hide the beta version of packageB, resulting in..

12:18:12 ERROR    PackageNotFoundError: Package could not be found: packageB==5.12.3.beta


So what is the solution? In a nutshell..

  1. Resolve a context
  2. Serialise ResolvedContext.resolved_packages to {name}=={version}

from rez.status import status

# Use `status` to fetch an instance of ResolvedContext
# from within our current environment.
print(" ".join([
    "%s==%s" % (, pkg.version)
    for pkg in status.context.resolved_packages

Resulting in..

rez env python packageA packageB --exclude *.beta -- python
# packageA==2.33.3 packageB==5.12.3

And presto, an accurate depiction of a given context, suitable for use again on the same machine, on a local render farm or remote cloud rendering environment.


What that last method doesn't do however is guarantee that one resolve to work across platforms.

Take this package for example.

name = "processmanager"
variants = [
    ["platform-windows", "win32all"],
    ["platform-linux", "unix-process-tool"],

On Windows, this would result in a list of resolved packages including win32all which isn't available on Linux, thus making the resulting request invalid.

In this case, you could instead use the resolved_packages variable.

from rez.status import status

# Use `status` to fetch an instance of ResolvedContext
# from within our current environment.
print(" ".join([
    "%s==%s" % (, pkg.version)
    for pkg in status.context.requested_packages()

However this has a number of gotchas as well. For example, if the request was alita==1.1 maya==2018 you would expect the resulting resolve to be identical, no matter where or when it's called. It would even accommodate for the problem is Linux versus Windows variants. What it wouldn't do however is protect against later versions of indirectly required packages from getting picked up.

For example.

  1. Artist launches Maya session with rez env alita==1.1 maya==2018, resulting in ["packageA-1.1"]
  2. Shortly thereafter, Developer releases package-1.2
  3. From the same Maya session, artist submits job to a remote computer
  4. The remote computer re-runs rez env alita==1.1 maya==2018 but this time gets ["package-1.2"] instead, resulting in a different environment than what was provided for the artist.

One solution to this problem is including a time stamp. Alongside every resolve is a REZ_USED_TIMESTAMP environment variable which keeps track of when a request was resolved. If you include this in your re-resolve, you'll be more likely to get what was requested at that point in time elsewhere.

rez env alita==1.1 maya==2018 --time $env:REZ_USED_TIMESTAMP

And presto, a cross-platform reproducible request!


As you can tell, there are many ways to skin this cat. The following is a conversation about the various pros and cons and what to look out for.

Testing Packages

Like any software projects, you need good tests. Software packaged with Rez is no exception, and doesn't necessarily change how you normally approach test.

There are a few ways to exercise your package.

Local Build and Run

The most useful and common approach is to build and run your package locally.

cd my_package
rez build --install

This will install the package into your local ~/packages directory, overridden by REZ_LOCAL_PACKAGES_PATH. From there, you can test a package as though it was deployed globally, until it's ready for an audience.

rez build --install --release

This command on the other hand installs a package into ~/.rez, overridden by REZ_RELEASE_PACKAGES_PATH.

Test on Release

The above is a good start, but it's still possible for bugs to make their way into a deployed package unless you have a solid test suite.

cd my_package
# Testing..

For a Python project, tests can be written as though Rez was not involved, using any relevant test framework. But having tests means nothing unless they are actually exercised, and that's when setting up a "release hook" can help maintain consistency.

Work in progress

If you got this far, and know more or want more, feel free to submit an issue.

Hidden Applications

Allzpark serves two audiences - artists and developers. Developers want more customisation and control than the average artists, such as having additional debug or testing applications made available.

To address both of these audiences, there is a toggle called "Show Hidden Apps" which enables the package author to expose application packages with hidden=True.


name = "maya_dev"
version = "2018.0"
build_command = False

# This is it
_data = {
    "hidden": True,

Now when this application is associated with a project, it is hidden per default, unless..


All Applications

Each project specifies what applications to make available to the artist and developer. But sometimes, you don't care about that and just want to run Application X in a particular project environment.

Work in progress

If you got this far, and know more or want more, feel free to submit an issue.


Allzpark is able to visualise a resolved context as a graph.


In order to enable graph drawing, you need the following package(s).

  • graphviz-2+


To make Allzpark aware of graphviz, simply include it in your request prior to launching.

rez env graphviz pyside2 python-3 bleeding_rez -- python -m allzpark


Users are able to interactively localize packages from the Packages tab, to save on performance or to work offline.


In order to enable localization, you'll need the following package(s).

  • localz-1+


Make Allzpark aware of localz by including it in your request.

rez env localz pyside2 python3 bleeding_rez -- python -m allzpark

Performance Considerations

Use of the Allzpark can be divided into roughly three parts.

  1. Time taken to load libraries such as PySide2 - you should be seeing timings in the console
    • Can be resolved by localizing packages, primarily python and PySide
  2. Time taken to get the window open
    • Is actual building of the Allzpark and difficult to avoid
  3. Time taken to when applications, like Maya, actually show up
    • This is the actual Rez resolves taking place. It will vary depending on whether the contexts can be found in memcached or not, which is about 90% of the time.

From there most things are stored in-memory and won't perform many if any IO or CPU intensive calls, with a few exceptions like generating the resolve graph in the Context tab.

External Packages

With Rez you can package almost anything, but sometimes there are packages already made for you to benefit from.

Install from PyPI

Managing external projects is no fun unless you can benefit from what package authors in neighboring ecosystems have been working on. PyPI is such an ecosystem and you can install any package from PyPI as a Rez package using rez-pipz.

git clone
cd rez-pipz
rez build --install

Here's how you use it.

rez env pipz -- install six

And here's how you install binary packages, specifically for the platform you are on.

rez env pipz -- install sqlalchemy

To install for a particular version of Python, include it in the initial request.

rez env python-2 pipz -- install sqlalchemy

Install from Scoop

Scoop is a package manager for Windows. It's akin to Chocolatey, except packages are portable and doesn't require adminstrative access, which makes it a perfect fit for Rez.

git clone
cd rez-scoopz
rez build --install

Here's how you use it.

rez env scoopz -- install python

Package version and Python

Every package containing a payload typically involves two version numbers.

  • Version of the package
  • Version of the payload

Preferably, these would always line up, but how can you expose the version of a package to Python?

name = "my_library"
version = "1.0"


version = "?"

1. Package to Python

What if Python was the one defining a version, and picking this up instead? You certainly can, except it moves complexity away from your library and into your, which is generally not a good idea.

Option 1, plain-text

name = "my_library"

with open("python\") as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.startswith("version = "):
            _, version = line.rstrip().split(" = ")

This works, but makes a few fragile assumptions about how the version is formatted in the file.

Option 2.

import os
name = "my_library"

cwd = os.getcwd()
import my_library
version = my_library.version

This is a little ugly, but works. The assumption made is that whatever is being executed in the imported module doesn't have any side effects or negatively impacts performance. Some modules, for example, establish database connections or temporary directories on import.

2. Embedded

This next approach addresses the above concerns in a more compact manner.

In order to use a package, it must first be built. We can leverage this build step to modify a Python library and embed the package version.


    from . import __version__
    version = __version__.version
except ImportError:
    version = "dev"

At this point, version will read "dev" until the module has been written into the library. We can write this file during build.

name = "my_library"
version = "1.0"
build_command = "python {root}/"

import os
import shutil

root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
build_dir = os.environ["REZ_BUILD_PATH"]

# Copy library
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(root, "my_library"),
                os.path.join(build_dir, "my_library"))

# Inject version
version_fname = os.path.join(build_dir, "my_library", "")
version = os.getenv("REZ_BUILD_PROJECT_VERSION")

with open(version_fname, "w") as f:
    f.write("version = \"%s\"" % version)

And there you go. Now the version will read "dev" unless the package has been built, in which case it would read "1.0".