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Updated 2019-07-26


This page is dedicated to best practices for working with Rez and Allzpark.

Development Workflow

Whether you are writing a C++ or Python library, the general workflow goes something like this.

  1. Edit source
  2. Call rez build --install
  3. Reload library (e.g. Maya module or plug-in)
  4. Test the library
  5. Goto (1) until satisfied

Where rez build --install operates in two steps.

  1. Create an internal build\ directory with everything going into the installed package
  2. Copy the build\ directory into your REZ_LOCAL_PACKAGES_PATH as the specified version

This operation is destructive, in that it will overwrite what was already there. This is what allows you to keep rebuilding and testing your package, without having to increment the version for each line of source code changed.

Release Workflow

One of the strenghts of Rez is that, whilst Git enables you to version control changes to code, Rez enables version control released software onto the floor. Once you're happy with an update or newly created package, it's time to release it.

cd my_package
rez build --install --release

This command will perform an identical operation to rez build --install, except packages written to REZ_RELEASE_PACKAGES_PATH.

Like --install, this operation is destructive, and most of the time you wouldn't want released packages to change. There are at least two methods for preventing that, both of which involve the use of Git.

  1. Limit use of --release to a server-side application, like GitLab. For example, once your changes have been pushed and tagged, a CI pipeline could trigger a call to --release whereby the GitLab runner is the only one with write-access to the REZ_RELEASE_PACKAGES_PATH.
  2. Use rez release which does something similar, except locally. It creates a tag identical to the proposed package version, pushed it to the currently set up Git remote.